Keeping warm - Private Renters in Camden
Keeping warm
What is WISH Plus?
WISH Plus is a way for you to improve your health and wellbeing by being referred to a range of Warmth, Income, Safety and Health services, by a single point of contact. A council Wish Plus officer will talk to you first and then make a referral.
It is open to everyone renting privately in Camden, but it is not an emergency service.
If you are in crisis you should contact one of the following:
- In an emergency, call the emergency planning team on 020 7974 4444 or email [email protected]
- If you are having a mental health crisis, call the crisis team 020 3317 6333
- Find out more useful contacts in an emergency
What can WISH Plus help me with?
With WISH Plus you can receive a package of support for Warmth, Income, Safety and Health (WISH) services. Some of the support is dependent on things like your age, whether you are receiving certain benefits, are disabled, or if you have young children.
Here are some of the services available under WISH:
- Home energy advice visits
- Telephone energy advice service, such as how to lower your bills, whilst keeping warm
- Money management advice including budgeting, debt and benefit advice
- Advice for those who have benefit issues and need help with an appeal
- Home security check, free provision and installation of measures such as door locks, spyholes etc.
- Handyperson service for minor repairs and fittings around the house (a small fee applies)
Please note that such installations and fittings will need consent from your landlord.
- Advice or help to give up smoking
- Cardiovascular health check
- Carers support
- Help for those suffering from anxiety, stress and depression
WISH Plus partner services
- London Borough of Islington – home energy advice visits
- London Fire Brigade - free smoke alarm and fire safety visit. Landlords are required to install at least one smoke alarm on every storey of the rental property on which there is a room used wholly or partly as living accommodation
- Origin Housing – home security checks, child safety equipment, handy person service
- Money and benefits advice – provided by council officers who can then make referrals when necessary.
- Citizens Advice Camden – provides a whole range of advice: financial, housing and legal queries.
- Carers service
- Breathe stop smoking
How do I access WISH Plus?
If you are interested in accessing any of the above services, you need to make a self-referral or ask someone else to refer you.
The easiest way to refer is online via the Camden website or alternatively call WISH Plus on 020 7974 3012.